Found 7 total tags.


Back in 2015 I was playing around with fictional creative world building. It was a plaything where I could just dump a scene out of my brain. I imported a few of the past ones that I liked or felt more fleshed out.

2 items with this tag.


Living, permanent notes that are central to the forest of this garden. Often they produce new fruits, seeds, and branches of their own. They are more mature, but they are still changing and growing on their own.

2 items with this tag.


1 item with this tag.


These ideas have grown into an entity of their own. They are ideas that have been nurtured and explored beyond that of a passing thought. This is the formative stage in the life cycle of a note.

6 items with this tag.


The beginning of an idea. These notes maybe have a semblance of an identity, but they have very few individual properties. These notes will sprout into saplings if they are given enough food (study), light (time) , and care (attention).